Sunday, May 25, 2008
Nothing Special Nothing Interesting...
Boring Lifestyle... Meaningless....
Holidays is over n nw continue coll life bac... sob =.=
By the Way... Thanks to Kaze for accompany me for several days...
hmm... Kaze reli gik 4 me la... makes me feel so guilty =(
y u always keep helping me..?? zzz....
I reli dono how to repay ur kindness....
i reli duno wan gv u wat answer la...
maybe i stil wan 2 think twice for it...
n im nt well prepared... it appeares in a sudden.. too quick for me...
gv me sometime... cos i need 2 prepared... sowie ya...
Coll Holidays i went to Pangkor and KL...
Wat a great experience and wonderful trip I have...
while i were in the ferry i felt im goin 2 faint.. so dizzy.. and scary too... sob sob
i reli hv great time with my beloved frens and of cos my dear too...
Being with you all is a moment tat i treassure the most in my whole life..
I LOVE U ALL and you all means alot to me...
hope to meet u all ASAP again... muaxx
Makes me BankRup d.....
im nt rich and i waste my money on those things...
so so.... speechless liao~~
hmm~~ nt reli satisfied on my picha cos i look old and ugly on it~~
kinda heart break tat time... but my beloved dear seems so pretty~~than me...
aikss~~ so disappointed on myself.. mayb its nt suitable for me ba...
like tat my money gone~~ GONE~~~ zadou...