Monday, May 26, 2008



Wat is my reaction??
haha*** sure speechless wa....
nvr ever have anyone make a cake for my birthday b4 nt even my EX-BF..
got MR.BILLYzai gt gimmie birthday cake last year (2007) on my birthday..
from ipoh come to kampar celebrate birthday wid me... so shocked...
but thanks so much for ur kindness a... and thanks for ur support too...
but sad things is I cant b back ur 1st meet de weiwei anymore.
I have change alot MR.BILLYzai.... Change become weird.. dun smile, dun talk much, live my life alone, dono y tis appeares in me after I meet with MR.NICKY YAP. He makes me change alot, and make me feel lots of pressure and unhappiness LOVE STory. Nvr wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear oso. Wat a sad journey I Hv tat time.. aiyerr...
stupid MR.NICKY YAP... now think back i feel im so stupid wa... but its too late.. jus let it b la... last time i oso dono I LOVE him wat... so childish.

Continue wid my LOVE SHAPE CAKE
so sweet**
MR. KAZE make me a love shape cake...
its nt for my birthday but he wanted to express his feelings to me tat nite..
he plan so many things but unfortunate it doesn't works cos i hv 2 go back after i hv receive tat cake.. owww~~ so sowie MR. KAZE
I hope u stil hv another chance 2 express it 2 me...
{WAITING} kekez~~~
I was thinking wat it taste like??
haha~~ cos he told me tat its his 1st time make a cake for someone special~~awww~~
sweet~~ attracted~~ hAppy~~
U know wat when my daddy says wat when on the way home?
he told me... If the cake nt delicious u oso muz tel him its so delicious cos ppl so hard n sum fu make tis cake for u... Daddy u r so tricky~~ ahah~~
back home take some picha of the cake~~ so nice... post it ltr...

can see
can touch
can eat
when ru goin to make another one for me??
I WAN... CAN CAN??? hehe~~